About Us

Preparing our bodies for the working week or for that special occasion is a time honoured ritual. One where our clothing often takes precedence to what lies beneath. I want to challenge that, to bring back something that excites other senses and to provide a moment of peace for the body, mind and spirit in this special time of preparation that is just pure ritual….

Kevin Groves, Founder Of House Of Kiya

Not found any commercial perfumes that you like? Have you considered your own bespoke perfume?

Want to try your hand to mixing your own perfume? Want a fun group activity for a special occasion with something to take home afterwards? Why not then try my Perfume Experience?

Our History

Kevin became enamoured with everything about ancient Egypt as a child and still remains so to this day. In 2011 he created House Of Kiya as an outlet of his more geeky interests in Egypt as well as to provide free resources on ancient Egyptian history and mythology. In 2018/9 his interests leaped into a more physical one that included the sense of smell and sound which had been lacking previously.

To this end HoK Perfumes came about to initially provide a way to share ancient recipe research into scents which would have been available to the ancient Egyptians – be it soap, incense and original perfumes.

From this specific objective, Kevin continues to explore a wider field of new scents past and present from his surroundings on the coast of Kent.

What Do Our Customers Say?

“You have quite the enchanting collection!”

“The perfume samples were a joy to smell – Truly a talented perfumer”

“I loved trying each one out and reading about the story behind them!”

Our Values

Vegan friendly and cruelty free perfume

I don’t use any animal derived materials in the perfume, there is of course honey in the incense so steer clear of that, and goats milk in the soap if that is a problem too. Perfumes though are completely clear of animal by products.

All are untested on animals – only tested (after allergen checks) on willing human testers!

Care and sensitivity in our research of ancient recipes

While many ancient recipe ingredients are either no longer classed as safe to use in cosmetics, or cant be identified, or even are now extinct/critically endangered; we strive to be sympathetic to the objective of the original recipes and ideas of our ancestors.

All of the above also applies to my modern creations too. Care in everything.


The planet is important right? Therefore as much packaging is as Eco-friendly, recyclable or at least reusable possible to remain within the law in regards to product safety. For example, the soap is wrapped in paper outer with a wax paper inner. Bottles and tins are used instead of plastic bags. Perfume bottles have minimal plastic with the pipe and some of the atomiser being that material, the rest is glass and metal. I now support bottle recycling of those with crimps for those that can drop them off to me at events etc. The 10ml bottles are screw top so can be refilled easily if returned or kept.


The best botanicals and resins will do, none of this fake synthetic stuff.

Answers to further questions you may have can be found on our FAQ.

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