My next perfume is now ready! (Still need to bottle though)
Long ago a king in a far flung corner of the Kingdom Of Babylon, in a country known as Parthia, a diplomatic party was sent to Egypt seeking the finest perfume by their king as it was known that was the place to go for such things. Not much is known about what was created by for them by the Egyptian perfumers; all we know is that it consisted of the most expensive and exotic materials available. The only thing really do know for sure is that it was documented to have the name The Royal.
Taking inspiration from Chyre perfumes, my understanding of previous research into late period ancient Egyptian perfumery, and suitable modern exotics materials I have created something at least in the spirit of those ancient perfumers. Perhaps too with some of the materials they possibly would have selected.
This is a rich, deep, and musky complex floral perfume available as an Eau de Toilette or a stronger Parfum.
Bottling will begin in the next couple of weeks for the first EDT limited batch. Parfum is not ready by a long way yet.
This one has taken a very very long time to develop and release so I hope you all like it!
Pre-orders are available from: Parthia